Friday, October 31, 2008


Aedyn's new friend, Giovani, and his parents came over for a fun afternoon. G's mom is one of Eric's fellow residents.

Aedyn loves wearing our shoes.

The big excitement of the week! GG (great-grandma, Eric's grandma) and Great Great Aunt Carole came to visit! Aedyn loved the non-stop cuddles and captive audience for his little speaches.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

let justice roll like a river . . .

This is a quote from Justice in the Burbs. I linked it in someone else's post about a year ago, but thought it was worth posting the actual quote.

Jesus lives next door. He's an eight-year-old girl and her three-year-old brother. The Son of Man looks like those starving Ethiopian children. He only gets breakfast and lunch at school, when he makes it. His mama is a crack whore. Nobody knows where his daddy is. I heard his mama lets her "Johns" do things to him.

Poor King of Kings.

Jesus is two houses down and has six children. Now he's pregnant with the seventh. I don't know if he hasn't figured out what birth control is, or what, but how does he expect his husband to feed all those babies on that salary? And you know with all those kids the Lord of Lords can't work. That means hardworking taxpayers' money has to go for Christ's food stamps!

He needs to get fixed.

The Lord is a crazy man—paranoid schizophrenic. If he doesn't take his medication, he walks up and down the street, cussing and spitting on everybody he passes. He's homeless. Nobody knows where his family is--if he's got one. Digs out of the trash cans for food. Somebody ought to get him off the street.

Jesus is nothing but a nuisance.

I'm starting to see the Son of God everywhere I go. He's always crying or begging or looking pitiful. Why doesn't he pull himself up by his bootstraps? This is America! Makes me mad. He's ruining our neighborhood.

Somebody ought to do something about him.


Try reading this out loud to your spouse. I dare you not to cry.

Beautiful Bad Hawk

Hannah requested an update on the chickens. Here are 4 pics taken yesterday. The gold ones are called Buff Orpingtons (there are 2). The black are Black Australorps (2). There are 2 mongrels. One unknown (silvery, perhaps a Silver Laced Wyandotte?). And then there are 3 Easter Eggers (1 white, 1 brown-grey-black, 1 brown). That last part is the sad segue. There used to be 4 Easter Eggers. A hawk got one the other day and ripped out its innards. The others were terrified and haven't left the coop until today. Since then, I've got this netting to cover a large part of the yard to keep the hawks out. The chickens are still not impressed.

BTW, chicks stop being cute chicks by the time they are 4 days old. Then they go through this awkward stage as their feathers come in. Now they look like little hens! We expect them to start laying eggs around January or February.

Book Club Announcement

I've started a new blog for the book club as indicated earlier this month. It is linked at the side under Book Club under Readings of Note. Anyone is welcome to read it, but you need to email me if you want to be a member and to be able to add comments. The first post will go up later today. Also, let me know at that time if you want to receive an email when new comments are made.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Concluding Prayer

I love the concept and practice of 'the offices.' This morning's concluding prayer for the morning office (from Phyllis Tickle's series) was beautiful and extremely heartfelt. I hope others of you can also pray it:

Lord God Almighty, you have made all the peoples of the earth for your glory, to serve you in freedom and in peace: Give to the people of our country a zeal for justice and the strength of forbearance, that we may use our liberty in accordance with your gracious will; through King Jesus, our lord, who lives and reigns with you and the holy Spirit, one god, for ever and ever. Amen.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Smiley Days

The little mechanic trying to 'fix' his new circus from cousin Miles.

A boy and his apple.

We picked apples from a neighbor's tree this weekend.

The dress-up picture is from my birthday dinner.

Aedyn with our chickens.

Eric is on vacation and we are enjoying relaxing!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Be a Smart Voter

My friend and college roommate, Rachel, is married to a political science professor. Prof and Rach made a great list for us to be informed voters. PLEASE check them out. The links are in the sidebar. Eric found the top site, Voting for a Culture of Life, and added it to the list. We have found all these sites useful.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Book Club

A friend of mine (E.S.—the best man in my wedding) and I are planning to start an online book club. I have a few titles I'd eventually like to explore, but the first is The Secret Message of Jesus by Brian McLaren and available here. We'd love it if you joined us at any time. There is no time limit, since it will be in blog format and you can just pop in on the chapter you happen to be on at any time. I hope some of you will hop aboard! I'll start it some time next week to give people a chance to purchase it and me a chance to start reading it. I'll announce it with another post and a link!