Monday, September 29, 2008

19 months and 1 week old

Our sweet, funny boy enjoys eating with a spoon or spork by himself. He giggles during "Little Bill" and loves talking to the chickens. Today, when I asked him where our baby was, he pulled up his own shirt and patted his belly.

Aedyn is now sleeping, I'm drinking chai and am about to do ironing, Eric is FINALLY on his last 30 hour shift until February.

We miss you, friends and family.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Golden Boy

He is himself again. Now that he feels well, Aedyn is sweet as honey. He happily runs into our legs to hug them and sits with us to read his books and plays contentedly. Last week I was worried that his strong will was turning an ornery shade and now it's back to jolly-ness. He is, of course, still strong willed! But his name does mean "fiery one!" He's napping now. Eric just got home from a call day/night/day and I need a little nap, too.

I'm feeling good most of the time and am really happy with 3 of the 5 days of my water aerobics class. (The teacher on the other 2 days just isn't as skilled.)So far, no symptoms of the nasty liver disorder and we pray it doesn't develop. The baby moves a lot and seems to be resting transverse. Aedyn likes to shout and sometimes his little sibling responds with a solid kick. So fun.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Happier Day

Today was much better for Aedyn. He woke up cheerful and didn't throw any tantrums. He did seem to practice throwing his body to the ground but he wasn't screaming at the same time. We visited E at the hospital and had supper with him. Aedyn went to bed peacefully. Ahhh.

Friday, September 12, 2008

A challenging week

Aedyn was really sick and crabby and then more crabby while a tooth came in and Eric is on hospital service which has a terrible schedule. Ugh. Eric won't have a day off until next weekend, that's after 14 long days (plus 4 nights) of work. Boy, I'm tired. Aedyn really knows how to do a tantrum in big way. Several times a day. No cute pictures this week because none of us were very cute. Except maybe the chicks who are growing beautiful adult feathers.

Thursday, September 4, 2008


Our chicks are here! Three of the 5 eggs we incubated hatched. They are in the lower pictures. The little box that Aedyn is inspecting is our mail-order batch of beauties. We have two Black Australorp hens, two Buff Orpington hens, and 5 mixed Aracanas (they lay blue-green eggs.) The hatchery sent a surprise chick and we think it may be a Silver Laced Wyandotte.
They are all so beautiful. We currently have them in a big box with a heat lamp in the dining room and they are so fun to watch. They pile around each other to nap.