Saturday, October 25, 2008

Beautiful Bad Hawk

Hannah requested an update on the chickens. Here are 4 pics taken yesterday. The gold ones are called Buff Orpingtons (there are 2). The black are Black Australorps (2). There are 2 mongrels. One unknown (silvery, perhaps a Silver Laced Wyandotte?). And then there are 3 Easter Eggers (1 white, 1 brown-grey-black, 1 brown). That last part is the sad segue. There used to be 4 Easter Eggers. A hawk got one the other day and ripped out its innards. The others were terrified and haven't left the coop until today. Since then, I've got this netting to cover a large part of the yard to keep the hawks out. The chickens are still not impressed.

BTW, chicks stop being cute chicks by the time they are 4 days old. Then they go through this awkward stage as their feathers come in. Now they look like little hens! We expect them to start laying eggs around January or February.


Unknown said...

Oh, no. Poor little easter egger!! Big mean hawk!!
That makes me mad.

Hannita said...

Hooray for the chicken update! Thanks for the pictures. =)