Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Some Happy Children (But their mama is tired.)


Angela Kim said...

oh so sweet....i'm hoping i'll get to see them in person in a couple days?!?!?! Need to get my hands on a BABY :)

Heidi said...

We'll see you Friday! I'm a bit nervous about the trip. How do I take a bathroom break? two babies into the stroller, aedyn standing next to it in a dirty stall . . .

Hannita said...

EEEEE! They're so CUTE! *dancing in my chair with anticipation of seeing everyone*

Angela Kim said...

I know...I have had this great idea for a while bathrooms! Exactly for that--moms traveling with kids, either sleeping or whatever, where you do not want to haul them into the bathroom with you--you drive into the safely enclosed bathroom, mom jumps out and is back in in no time.

Amanda Rowe said...

They are all SO Cute Heidi!! Good Luck on your trip, where ever you are going. For the bathroom, you could keep Elijah in her carrier and put Aedyn in the stroller with Justice and push them while carrying her then none of them can get loose while you are doing your business.