Sunday, November 1, 2009


The poop situation is out of control around here. Perhaps we should stop feeding the children.


Rachel Bardwell said...

Do you keep a tally of how many diapers you change per day? We should compare numbers (although I suspect you have me beat).

Heidi said...

Rachel, 20-28, Is my guess. When we first got E, J was less than 6 months. We changed at least 30 a day. I'm now using disposables at night (with varying success) and for those few times that we leave the house. Which disposables have you found to hold the most overnight?

Hannita said...

I suspect that the crying situation would get waaay out of hand if you stopped feeding them. ;)

Rachel said...

I was just laughing out loud reading your post. I remember when I was watching three little ones all under the age of two, I thought that changing poopy diapers was my life...and I at least got to send them home in the evening. I feel your pain.

Rachel Bardwell said...

Heidi - we splurge for overnight diapers and buy the Huggies overnights. They're really expensive, but you can usually get a Huggies coupon for $1-2 off so that helps a little. We tried cheaper alternatives but nothing worked (and I'm super cheap so believe me if we could get away with another brand, we would). We've only found them in sizes 4 and up.

You totally have me beat. We're in the 12-15 diapers a day range.