Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Like the new look?

Four months of Justice (River)

He's so happy when he wakes in the morning: smiles and coos and giggles for all. He pulls his head and chest up to sit more upright in his rocker and he LOVES grabbing the toys hanging from the activity bar. His chubby thighs and triple chins are adorably kissable and ticklish. My little JR is a joy baby. I'm so grateful for his life. His big brother is pretty great, too.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Happy Brothers

May many, many posts share this title.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Cousin Love

A few pics from our family get together last month (Eric's fam). Yeah, cousins!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Happy Resurrection Day

Heidi asked me not just to copy the link, but to put the text from this article run in the London Times by our good Bishop, Tom Wright, in hopes that more of you would actually read it (she doubts that you guys link to the things I sometimes post with reference!). The Lord is Risen!

From The Times
April 11, 2009
The Church must stop trivialising Easter
Christians must keep their nerve: the Resurrection isn’t a metaphor, it’s a physical fact
Tom Wright
Private Eye ran a cartoon some years ago of St Peter standing in front of Jesus's Cross and saying to the other Disciples: “It's time to put this behind us now and move on.” It was a satire not on Christian belief, but on politicians and counsellors, and their trivialising mantras. It depended on Jesus's death being not just an odd, forgettable event - and that it was His Resurrection, rather than a shoulder- shrugging desire to “move on”, that got the early Christians going.

Easter was the pilot project. What God did for Jesus that explosive morning is what He intends to do for the whole creation. We who live in the interval between Jesus's Resurrection and the final rescue and transformation of the whole world are called to be new-creation people here and now. That is the hidden meaning of the greatest festival Christians have.

This true meaning has remained hidden because the Church has trivialised it and the world has rubbished it. The Church has turned Jesus's Resurrection into a “happy ending” after the dark and messy story of Good Friday, often scaling it down so that “resurrection” becomes a fancy way of saying “He went to Heaven”. Easter then means: “There really is life after death”. The world shrugs its shoulders. We may or may not believe in life after death, but we reach that conclusion independently of Jesus, of odd stories about risen bodies and empty tombs.

But “resurrection” to 1st-century Jews wasn't about “going to Heaven”: it was about the physically dead being physically alive again. Some Jews (not all) believed that God would do this for all people in the end. Nobody, including Jesus's followers, was expecting one person to be bodily raised from the dead in the middle of history. The stories of the Resurrection are certainly not “wish-fulfilments” or the result of what dodgy social science calls “cognitive dissonance”. First-century Jews who followed would-be messiahs knew that if your leader got killed by the authorities, it meant you had backed the wrong man. You then had a choice: give up the revolution or get yourself a new leader. Going around saying that he'd been raised from the dead wasn't an option.

Unless he had been. Jesus of Nazareth was certainly dead by the Friday evening; Roman soldiers were professional killers and wouldn't have allowed a not-quite-dead rebel leader to stay that way for long. When the first Christians told the story of what happened next, they were not saying: “I think he's still with us in a spiritual sense” or “I think he's gone to heaven”. All these have been suggested by people who have lost their historical and theological nerve.

The historian must explain why Christianity got going in the first place, why it hailed Jesus as Messiah despite His execution (He hadn't defeated the pagans, or rebuilt the Temple, or brought justice and peace to the world, all of which a Messiah should have done), and why the early Christian movement took the shape that it did. The only explanation that will fit the evidence is the one the early Christians insisted upon - He really had been raised from the dead. His body was not just reanimated. It was transformed, so that it was no longer subject to sickness and death.

Let's be clear: the stories are not about someone coming back into the present mode of life. They are about someone going on into a new sort of existence, still emphatically bodily, if anything, more so. When St Paul speaks of a “spiritual” resurrection body, he doesn't mean “non-material”, like a ghost. “Spiritual” is the sort of Greek word that tells you,not what something is made of, but what is animating it. The risen Jesus had a physical body animated by God's life-giving Spirit. Yes, says St Paul, that same Spirit is at work in us, and will have the same effect - and in the whole world.

Now, suddenly, the real meaning of Easter comes into view, as well as the real reason why it has been trivialised and sidelined. Easter is about a new creation that has already begun. God is remaking His world, challenging all the other powers that think that is their job. The rich, wise order of creation and its glorious, abundant beauty are reaffirmed on the other side of the thing that always threatens justice and beauty - death. Christianity's critics have always sneered that nothing has changed. But everything has. The world is a different place.

Easter has been sidelined because this message doesn't fit our prevailing world view. For at least 200 years the West has lived on the dream that we can bring justice and beauty to the world all by ourselves.

The split between God and the “real” world has produced a public life that lurches between anarchy and tyranny, and an aesthetic that swings dramatically between sentimentalism and brutalism. But we still want to do things our own way, even though we laugh at politicians who claim to be saving the world, and artists who claim “inspiration” when they put cows in formaldehyde.

The world wants to hush up the real meaning of Easter. Death is the final weapon of the tyrant or, for that matter, the anarchist, and resurrection indicates that this weapon doesn't have the last word. When the Church begins to work with Easter energy on the twin tasks of justice and beauty, we may find that it can face down the sneers of sceptics, and speak once more of Jesus in a way that will be heard.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Still Sick

Three weeks after the first fever, Aedyn Shepherd is finally doing much better. Justice is runny-nose boy and their mom still has ear/nose/throat grossness. Eric is doing lots better. We are home all month before a week of interviews in May.

Big News: We are officially potty training. That is, mom took Aedyn's diaper on / off 4 times in 10 minutes because Aedyn would want to go back to the toilet and then want off almost immediately. When I said, "This is a lot of work!" Aedyn patted my face and said cheerfully, "Work!."

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Two good interviews

Finally, I post. We've all been sick with bad colds which we probably picked-up while traveling. I took lots of antibacterial wipes but somehow Aedyn would always beat me to the remotes, light switches, alarm clocks, etc. so my planing was for naught. We took 8 flights in 2 weeks and the boys did really well. Eric was Aedyn's minute-by-minute in-flight entertainment while I nursed/held Justice.

The interviews, for a job which will begin 16 months from now, are going very well. I won't give any details yet as we still plan on another 4 or 5 interviews. Eric's an in-demand candidate in an in-demand field so we have a lot of choices to make. One of the positions/locations we visited looks especially good to us so all the other jobs have to compete with this one. We're looking for a place to call home for a long time. That's something neither of us has done before. Very Refreshing! Yep, we still plan on spending some time overseas but we plan on having a home here first.

Because this really is why you come here: