Sunday, September 16, 2012

Moving In Day

We moved into our town-home apartment 01 August 2012. Besides the smell of old cat pee and cigarette smoke that the poorly applied fresh layer of paint and new carpeting throughout couldn't mask, we are glad to have this place. It is walking distance from work for me (0.5 miles), really close to the Y, and is a month-to-month lease. We are now actively looking for a new home to buy, although, we would like our home in WI to sell first. When we first pulled up there were three different reactions from the children. Aedyn wanted to know how we would be able to tell which one was ours (they all look identical); Justice was thrilled to have his on 'ding dong' (doorbell), and Eliyah couldn't understand why there were so many people around us. Our farm-kids!

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