Sunday, June 30, 2013

Lazy Summer Days

Well, not intentionally so. A little over a week ago I had an accident. I typically ride my mountain bike to work: 6.2 miles. One morning I got all the way to the parking lot of the hospital and decided that day I wouldn't slow done as usual coming around a rarely used blind corner. Of course at that moment a grounds mechanic came out of a hidden door, I stopped abruptly to avoid hitting him, and flew over the top of my bike. The only lasting injury was severely strained left hand ring and pinky finger. Lots of swelling and very little movement permissible without excruciating pain. Ironically, the man I avoided hitting was my neighbor. So, my usually busy with so much yard work to do weekends have been more laid back and I've been able to spend more time with children, which we all love.

Today, Aedyn asked to get the microscope out. We looked at plant leaves and could see their nuclei and chloroplasts. When we decided to watch bakers yeast to see if we could watch cell divisions in action, we waited and watched the cells grow larger, but never saw a complete division (although we did see some nuclear duplications, but cleavage took to long). At one point A was checking it and said, "no cell divisions, just brownie motion." (FYI, it's Brownian motion, I hated to correct him (-: .)

Justice and Eliyah are both into making up their own songs nowadays. The other night at bed this was Justice's:

"O holy Spirit, graceful Wind
  Peaceful Spirit.

Jesus died, but now is alive.
Jesus loves the little children,
they are precious to him.

Holy Spirit . . . [Mom, does the holy Spirit love the little children?] [Yes].
Holy Spirit."

I think it was better than what memory serves, but that gives you a sense of it.

Eliyah is a slow eater. We try to remember that this is healthy habit, but on occasion we leave the table before she is done. The other night we came back to clean up to find her having been on her own for a couple of minutes. She exclaimed in exasperation (she is her mother's daughter: everything is big and full of drama!): "I was sitting here and everybody left to the wind, and I was all alone for weeks and weeks (crescendo)!"

Peace to you all. I am able to type this now with 9 digits: pinky still out of commission.

O, and because what you really want is pics of the kids:

1. Aedyn doing his Mento's experiment (learning the concept of 'nucleation')

2. The kids with their cousins on Eliyah's 4th birthday.

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