Thursday, November 27, 2014

Thanksgiving 2014

We had a great Thanksgiving here in OR, wonderful food and company. Probably our last one here. We savored it. The pictures didn't turn out that great, but here was our prayer (please ignore the punctuation inconsistencies, no time to correct--time to get kids in bed):

Thanksgiving 2014

Psalm 136
Reader: Give thanks to Yhwh, for Yhwh is good.
All: Yhwh's love endures forever
R: Give thanks to the God of gods.
A: Yhwh's love endures forever.
R: Give thanks to the Lord of lords.
A: Yhwh's love endures forever
R: to the one who alone among the gods does wonders.
A: Yhwh's love endures forever
R: who with wisdom made the heavens
A: Yhwh's love endures forever
R: who floats the land upon the waters
A: Yhwh's love endures forever
R: who made the great lights
A: Yhwh's love endures forever
R: the sun to be lord of the day
A: Yhwh's love endures forever
R: the moon and the stars as lords of the night
A: Yhwh's love endures forever . . .

A Prayer
R: Thank you for our health
A: May we be instruments of your healing.
R: Thank you for an abundance of food.
A: May we remember to care for those less fortunate
R: Thank you for family and friends.
A: May we be friends to those without.
R: Thank you that we can express our gratitude to you without fear of reprisal.
A: May we never be those who suppress the faith of others.
R: Thank you for your acceptance of us all.
A: May we extend your restorative justice to those on the margins, especially the orphans, widows and sojourners in the land.
R: We remember the Pilgrims and the generosity of the Native Americans to them.
A: May we likewise extend your generosity and kindness to sojourners in the land we occupy.

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