Thursday, October 11, 2007

A Still Morning

The sea is very still today. This would be a great day to snorkel. Maybe I'll try that this afternoon. There's a dock in front of Peggy's house that we can take the stroller out on and rig up some shade for Aedyn.

Last night was rough. We stayed here at Peggy's to house-sit but got no sleep. The 2 dogs and the street dogs were really loud and there was other commotion that made me nervous. The noise woke the baby several times and Eric was up checking on things around the house. The mosquitoes are much worse here and we're covered in bites even though we started the night covered with bug spray. We're asking one of the med students to stay here tonight so we can take the baby back to our almost moz-free apartment.

Aedyn's napping now and I'm folding laundry on the porch and watching the water. beautiful.

1 comment:

Hannita said...

Hi Heidi,
Sounds lovely (water watching and snorkeling). I can pass on the mosquitoes and odd noises although I woke up around 3:30 this morning not feeling well and didn't get back to sleep until my alarm decided it was time to go off.
Give the boys my love.