Friday, October 12, 2007

Still no photos to share

I tried uploading directly from the camera but with no success. The connection is really slow.

We didn't snokle yet but it will happen! Oranges and Aedyn's tummy do not agree. We had dinner with some of the other volunteers last night (a carry-in) and someone has found a good bakery with yummy chocolate chip cookies. We're going to that bakery tomorrow. (The big grocery store on the island has about everything we would need but I'm not willing to pay those prices. We did buy a jar of Vodka Sauce and pasta for a total of $6. The noodles were aweful. We also found full-fat plain yogurt for Aedyn-$4.00, but worth it as it's his main source of protein and fat.)

I'm tutoring an island boy in English. Peggy has set him up with English tutors for the last couple of years and his vocabulary of nouns is impressive. Moses is really sweet and cheerful and thinks Aedyn is great. Moses and I have a lesson 3 days a week for about 1/2 hour after school. He's been coming early as his school teacher hasn't been coming to class so they send the kids home. EEK.

Eric is at the apartment putting Aedyn down for a nap, I'm going veggie shopping at the local market (three little stalls) and then hole-ing up for the evening with a borrowed book. Eric is going out for drinks with some new friends who are meeting too late for me to go along (Aedyn's bedtime is 6.)

Happy sunny day.


Angela Kim said...

It's so lovely to read your updates and picture you folding laundry as you gaze at the Caribbean :) Kiss little Aedyn for me. How wonderful that his bedtime is 6! Is he sleeping pretty well when there aren't strange noises?

*Looking forward to being much closer to you in a few months :)

Hannita said...

You people with your moving away and what not. Sheesh. (Am glad for your families that you'll be closer together, just sad for little 'ol me that you're so far away...*sniff*)

Heidi said...

I just saw these comments! Ange, he's sleeping better now that we're home. He wakes to nurse about 12 and again about 3:30 then sleeps till about 6:30. Those are the best nights.

sooooon you'll be near!

Hannita, missing you, too!