Monday, March 3, 2008

Wildlife Update

Not my wild life, because diaper changing, laundry and grocery shopping is the extent of wild around here, WILDLIFE. 

I hadn't seen the deer in our little woods for several weeks and two days ago they appeared along side our deck munching on the false-honeysuckle leaves that are budding. Two of them were there, both female. Yesterday, in the same greening spot, there was a young buck and a doe who must be injured. She was holding up her right hind leg as she manuvered through the woodsy underbrush. I saw the pair later in the day behind our back fence.

My big excitement, though, was the visit of a hawk to our backyard. I didn't have batteries in the camera so I didn't get a picture and I'm hoping he/she comes back today so I can snap one. S/he was about 12-14 inches with a light brown mottled chest and black/white stripped tail and wings. Hawk swooped into the yard from a nearby tree and stood there a while then hopped up on a tall fence post with occasional swoops down into the brush along the edge of the lawn. S/he didn't mind the noise of Aedyn's very creaky-squeaky swing.

Today is beautiful with a high of 72 so I need to get the diapers out to the clothesline for a sun-freshening. Must do that before A wakes up from morning nap. 

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