Wednesday, February 13, 2008

lovely, lovely sleep filled nights

I waited to post this--just wanted to make sure I wasn't premature in my excitement. 
Aedyn Shepherd is sleeping through the night! 12-12.5 hours! We've had almost 2 weeks of full nights. About every other night he does awaken once or twice and fuss a little, less than 3 min, then he's back asleep.  (He did have one night of many, sad awakenings for which I am responsible. I was out shopping and didn't allow enough time for a good nap.)

 Joy, joy, joy. Not just for me and E, but for a happy little boy. He is cheerful all day long, as long as he gets his naps, too. I think he's starting to 'lose' his morning nap, though; it certainly is shortening.

So, please raise your glasses to good sleep!


Hannita said...

Glass is raised. =)

Kim from Kansas said...

Congrads on your little one sleeping through the night!

I appreciate your comments on my blog.

Here's a video on you tube might make you chuckle.

Angela Kim said...

glorious! :) doesn't life look so different when you're actually getting enough sleep at night?

just as a head's up...not to spoil your much deserved excitement...don't be terribly surprised if there come rough patches down the road...we just made it through a rough patch I think...and E is now sleeping better again. :) I am hoping the move doesn't throw him off too much b/c i need him sleeping at night when the baby comes. :)

Heidi said...

I'll pray for E's sleep during the move and after his brother moves in. I can't wait to see you all!

(A seems crabby today, think he's cutting teeth. I wouldn't be surprised if the next week or so we had one of those 'rough patches!')