Sunday, December 16, 2007

third sunday of advent

This is the Sunday the pink candle is lit, representing joy. The lectionary readings are about John the Baptist preparing the way for Israel's true king. It's also often known as the Shepherd candle in the sequence (Prophecy/Hope—Bethlehem—Shepherds—Angels).

King Jesus, our lord,
who at your first advent sent your messenger
to prepare the way before you:
grant that the servants and caretakers of your mysteries
may in the same way prepare and make ready your way
by turning the hearts of the disobedient to the wisdom of your justice,
that at your second advent to judge the world
we may be found an acceptable people in your sight;
for you are alive, and you reign with the Father
in the unity of the holy Spirit,
one god, now and forever.


We give you thanks, O Lord, for these heavenly gifts;
kindle in us the fire of your Spirit
that when your King comes again
we may shine as lights before his face:
who is alive and reigns now and forever!

May the joy of knowing that God has called you to a life of true justice under his kingship and that his already present kingdom will one day be revealed to all at his second advent be with you today!

1 comment:

Hannita said...

That's a really lovely liturgy.