Thursday, December 27, 2007

Vomit Morning

Aedyn was awake at 6:00 exactly but I was hoping he would go back to sleep so I didn't get him out of his crib until 6:15. I always take him back to my bed to nurse him. He was having a very happy morning and played and cuddled while eating. I inturrupted the feeding to burp him and he burped once then emptied his stomach on my pj's, pillow, and sheets. I don't have a safe place to put him down upstairs (other than his crib, someplace he would loudly protest) so I put my robe on over my damp pj's and came downsatirs. He can roam everywhere down here. While he played I started to fold a basket of laundry. Leaving the basket of clean clothes on the floor, I went to the kitchen to make coffee and fix Aedyn's breakfast. Aedyn enjoyed his sweet potatoes in oatmeal. Meanwhile, I began to reek from the spit-up on the pj's and started upstairs to change, but he spit-up on his clothes so I stopped to clean him up Then we played on the floor again. He vomited on his two puzzles. I cleaned him up and began on the puzzle pieces. This wasn't spit-up. Vomit. Stomach acid and all. Finishing the puzzles I look up to see Aedyn throwing-up all over the clean laundry. As you read this you're probably thinking, "poor baby," but rest assured, he wasn't acting as if he felt unwell. He was playing and babbling all the while. But-- my clean laundry. my stinky self. the wooden puzzle pieces that still smell sour. ugh.

Some cute pictures of the rumbly tummy baby.


christine said...

gross, uncle

Unknown said...

you mean 'aunt.' it's good to see you responding!



Rachel Bardwell said...

He looks way too old in that bottom picture!

Unknown said...

Heidi said:
Rachel, just got the Classic. Did you see that our baby announcements were next to one another?
So roommaty. Can we link your blog?

Rachel Bardwell said...

Yes, I did notice. How funny :) Sure, you can link to us. Happy New Year!

Hannita said...

Poor baby. And poor Aida. Hope the vomitting has ended.